RASHED Lab.Univ. of Hyogo, Graduate School of Information Science
Healthcare Science Course |
健康医療科学コース |
About us はじめに
It is now believed that artificial intelligence (AI) would lead the world in the near future. Generating new models that enable better understanding of real-life problems and the development of AI-based solutions are expected to take over conventional methods. The main research of this laboratory is to investigate, analyze and understand different human biological features and develop new machine learning models for data acquisition, manipulation and interpretation. [Research Fields/Themes]
近い将来、人工知能(AI)が世界をリードすると言われるようになった。現実の問題をよりよく理解するための新しいモデルを生成し、AIを用いた解決策を開発することは、従来の方法に取って代わるものと期待されている。この研究室では、人間の様々な生物学的特徴を調査・分析・理解し、データ取得・操作・解釈のための新しい機械学習モデルを開発することを主な研究テーマとしています。 【研究分野・テーマ】
About Director 教員紹介
ラシド イサム 教授
Prof. Essam RASHED |
After receiving Ph.D. (Eng.) from Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, I become a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) postdoctoral fellow. I served as Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Computer Science at Suez Canal University, Egypt. From 2018, I become specially appointed Professor at Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology. In 2022, I become a Professor at the Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo and become JST PRESTO Researcher (2023-2027).
I am always passionate to study interactions between EM signals and biological tissues in different applications. With this wide scope, applications using pattern recognition and machine learning are always attractive to me. |
筑波大学大学院システム情報工学研究科コンピューターサイエンス専攻修了。日本学術振興会外国人特別研究員の後、エジプトのSuez Canal 大学コンピューターサイエンス学科にて助教・准教授・教授を務めました。2018年より、名古屋工業大学電気・機械工学専攻にて特任教授を兼任、2022年より兵庫県立大学大学院情報科学研究科に教授です。2023~2027年JSTさきがけ研究員 (兼任)。
医用画像処理技術に基づくアプリケーションにより、電波と生体組織の間の相互作用について研究することに情熱を注いでいます。また、パターン認識や機械学習を統合したアプリケーションの開発や、医用研究分野への応用は、私にとって魅力的な研究テーマです。 |
News ニュース
ラシド教授が令和6年度科学技術分野 文部科学大臣表彰を受賞
部門: 科学技術賞(開発部門)
業績名: 新規感染症感染者数及び死者数予測システムの開発
受賞者: 平田 晃正(名工大)、小寺 紗千子(名工大)、ラシド イサム(県立大)
Professor Rashed receive the FY2024 Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Science and Technology Award (Development Category)
For the "Development of a system for predicting the number of new infectious disease cases and deaths"
Awardees: Akimasa Hirata (NITech), Sachiko Kodera (NITech), Essam Rashed (Univ. of Hyogo)
🔗 https://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/houdou/mext_01364.html
部門: 科学技術賞(開発部門)
業績名: 新規感染症感染者数及び死者数予測システムの開発
受賞者: 平田 晃正(名工大)、小寺 紗千子(名工大)、ラシド イサム(県立大)
Professor Rashed receive the FY2024 Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Science and Technology Award (Development Category)
For the "Development of a system for predicting the number of new infectious disease cases and deaths"
Awardees: Akimasa Hirata (NITech), Sachiko Kodera (NITech), Essam Rashed (Univ. of Hyogo)
🔗 https://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/houdou/mext_01364.html
On 19-20 August, Essam Rashed and Yiming Jia (M1 student) participated in the Tokyo Workshop on Trustworthy Foundation Models (TFM 2024) at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Both give a talk in an invited-only events and we had a fruitful discussion with our collaborators and colleagues.
On 28 August, we had a special guest, Prof. Andreas Maier from FAU, who give a wonderful talk about “Known Operator Learning and Hybrid Machine Learning in Medical Imaging -- A Review of the Past, the Present, and the Future” with the GSIS international research seminar. We also have Prof. Ghada Khoriba from Nile University as a visiting professor and Dr. Haytham Ashraf from the University of Tsukuba. After the main lecture we had a scientific workshop with several talks from lab members and guests.
Essam Rashed is included in the 2024 Stanford University list of World's Top 2% Scientists (August 2024).
Field: Information & Communication Technologies Subfield-1: Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging Subfield-2: Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing More details are here: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/7 |
E. Rashed is invited speaker at the Australian Catholic University (ACU) seminar titled "Transforming Healthcare using AI", 25 Nov. 2024 (Sydney, Australia)
Free registration is here |
- [Feb. 2025] 📢 E. Rashed and A. Elboardy (RS) will present talks at the TDSAI Lab, Institute of Science Tokyo
- [Jan. 2025] 🛩 E. Rashed visited Hamad Medical Corporation (Qatar)
- [Jan. 2025] 📝 Three papers by H. Seshimo (M2), Y. Jia (M1) and A. Elboardy (RS) will be presented at the International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia 2025, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan (IFMIA 2025)
- [Jan. 2025] 📝 Two papers by E. Rashed and M. Nouman (D1) are accepted for the IEEE Int. Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Houston, TX, USA (ISBI 2025)
- [Jan. 2025] 📢 E. Rashed, G. Khoriba and W. Hussain are Guest Editors for Bioengineering (IF23=3.8) Special Issue "Transforming Healthcare with Large Language Models: Innovations, Challenges, and Future Directions".
- [Jan. 2025] 📅 Year 2024 (令和6年) in review can be found here
old news (2024)
- [Dec. 2024] 📝 A paper is accepted for Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (IF23=4.9)
- [Dec. 2024] 📝 A paper [open access] is accepted for IEEE Access (IF23=3.4)
- [Dec. 2024] 🎓 A new doctoral student will join the lab from Apr. 2025 (当研究室に博士後期課程1名を募集します。)
- [Dec. 2024] 📝 A paper by A. Elboardy (RS) is accepted for the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Learning and Technology (L&T25)
- [Dec. 2024] 📝 A paper [open access] is accepted for IEEE Access (IF23=3.4)
- [Nov. 2024] 📝 A paper [open access] by H. Seshimo (M2) is accepted for Sensors (IF23=3.4)
- [Nov. 2024] 💰 A research grant (Qatar University - International Research Collaboration Co-fund - IRCC) is awarded, Lead Principal Investigators: E. Rashed (Univ. of Hyogo) and M. Mabrok (Qatar Univ.).
- [Nov. 2024] 📢 A. Elboardy (RS) is selected to participate in the RIKEN International HPC Spring School 2025 - Toward Society 5.0 (15-17 Jan 2025)
- [Nov. 2024] 📝 A paper is accepted for oral presentation at the 6th International Brain Stimulation Conference, Kobe, Japan (23-26 Feb 2025)
- [Nov. 2024] 📘 A book chapter by G. Khoriba, M. Nouman (D1) and E. Rashed with title "Large language models in medical image understanding," is accepted for book entitled "Cutting-Edge Artificial Intelligence Advances: Implications in Real-World Applications," CRC Press
- [Nov. 2024] 📢 E. Rashed and Y. Jia (M1) participated in the 3rd Workshop of the JSPS-NSFC Joint Research Project "Towards Trustworthy Foundation Models for Computer Vision" (online)
- [Oct. 2024] 📝 A preprint by H. Seshimo (M2) is available from Preprints.org
- [Oct. 2024] 📝 M. Nouman (D1) and A. Elboardy (RS) will present two papers on the IEICE Medical Imaging Research Meeting 「医用画像研究会(MI)」, Osaka (5 Dec. 2024)
- [Oct. 2024] 📢 E. Rashed is Technical Committee Member of the 7th Asian Symposium on Image Processing (ASIP2025), Tsukuba, Japan
- [Oct. 2024] 🎤 E. Rashed is invited speaker at the Liver Management and Research Summit of the "Egyptian Association of Cancer Research (EACR)", 2 Nov. 2024 (online talk).
- [Oct. 2024] 🎓 A new master student will join the lab from Apr. 2025 (当研究室に博士前期課程1名を募集します。)
- [Oct. 2024] 🏅 E. Rashed awarded the Institute of Physics (IOP) Trusted Reviewer status.
- [Sept. 2024] 📝 Three more papers (Total is 5) are accepted for 2024 IEEE International Conference on Future Machine Learning and Data Science (FMLDS2024), Sydney, Australia (Scheduled 20-23 Nov. 2024).
- [Sept. 2024] 📝 A paper will be presented at the IEICE EST meeting @ Akita Art Village (17-18 Oct. 2024)
- [Sept. 2024] 🛩 E. Rashed will visit Carnegie Mellon University CyLab.
- [Aug. 2024] 📝 Two papers are accepted for 2024 IEEE International Conference on Future Machine Learning and Data Science (FMLDS2024), Sydney, Australia (Scheduled 20-23 Nov. 2024).
- [Aug. 2024] 📢 E. Rashed is invited speaker at International Exchange Program of the Kobe High School 「令和 6 年度 神戸高校 国際交流プログラム」 (Scheduled 23 Aug. 2024).
- [Aug. 2024] 📝 A paper [open access] is accepted for Artificial Intelligence Review (Q1, IF23=10.7)
- [July 2024] 📢 Y. Jia (M1 student) will participate in the TFM 2024 workshop @ Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo (Scheduled Aug. 19, 2024).
- [July 2024] 🛩 E. Rashed will participate in the 2024 SaTC PI Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA.
- [July 2024] 🛩 Professor G. Khoriba from Nile University will visit our lab for research collaboration. ナイル大学のコリバ准教授が共同研究のため研究室を訪問させていただきます。
- [July 2024] 🏆 E. Rashed received the "2024 Outstanding Research Activity Award" by the University of Hyogo. ラシド教授が令和6年度兵庫県立大学「最優秀研究活動賞」を受賞しました。
- [July 2024] 🏆 A. T. Elboardy (prospective Ph.D. student) have awarded the Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT) with university recommendation to study in our laboratory. サラーさん(潜在博士課程学生)が2024年度大学推薦による国費外国人留学生採用が決定しました。
- [June 2024] 💰 A research grant (Special Research Project, University of Hyogo) is awarded (Principal Investigator: E. Rashed). 兵庫県立大学・令和6年度 特別研究プロジェクトに採択されました。
- [June 2024] 📢 M. Nouman (D1 student) will participate in WASP 2024 @ Meiji University, Tokyo (Scheduled Oct. 7, 2024).
- [June 2024] 📢 E. Rashed will participate in NSF-JST workshop on "Secure and Resilient Smart Living CPS" collocated with IEEE SMARTCOMP as breakout session moderator (Scheduled July 2~3, 2024).
- [June 2024] 📢 E. Rashed is Invited Speaker at Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan (Scheduled Aug. 1, 2024).
- [May 2024] 📝 A pre-print [open access] by M. Nouman (D1) is now available on arXiv.
- [May 2024] 📝 A paper is accepted for MIRU2024
- [May 2024] 📝 A review paper [open access] is published in Digital Health (IF22=3.9)
- [Apr. 2024] 🏆 Co-authored paper presented by Prof. M. Mabrok at the ICMIP2024 (Osaka, Japan) has beed awarded the "Best Paper Award"
- [Apr. 2024] 🏆 E. Rashed is awarded the IJERPH 2021–2023 Outstanding Special Issue Award (Guest Editors: S. Kodera and E. A. Rashed) [Certificate]
- [Apr. 2024] 🛩 Professor M. Mabrok from Qatar University visited our lab for research collaboration. カタール大学のMabrok准教授が共同研究のため研究室を訪問されました。
- [Apr. 2024] 🏆 Y. Jia (M1 Master student) awarded the Senshu International Student Scholarship. 賈さん(研究室のM1修士学生)が「千趣留学生奨学金」を受け取りました。
- [Apr. 2024] 📢 E. Rashed is a professor (concurrent position) at the Advanced Medical Engineering Research Institute.
- [Mar. 2024] 📝 A review pre-print [open access] is now available on arXiv.
- [Mar 2024] 📢 E. Rashed is a Technical Committee Member of International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICBEB 2024), Singapore, Nov. 2024
- [Mar. 2024] 📝 A pre-print [open access] is now available on arXiv.
- [Mar. 2024] 📝 Three student papers have been accepted and will be presented at the 9th International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing (ICMIP 2024) 20~22 Apr., Osaka, Japan.
- [Mar. 2024] 📝 A paper [open access] is published in Biosensors (IF22=5.4)
- [Mar. 2024] 📢 E. Rashed is a Technical Committee Member (special session co-chair) of Niles 2024 Conference.
- [Feb. 2024] 📢 E. Rashed will give a talk in organized session at JSMBE63, 23~25 May, Kagoshima, Japan.
- [Feb. 2024] Two students (Master & Ph.D.) will join our group from April 2024. 令和6年度より新入生2名(博士前期・博士後期)が研究室に加わります。
- [Feb. 2024] 📝 H. Seshimo and M. Nouman will present two research papers at the 63rd Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (JSMBE63) 23~25 May, Kagoshima, Japan.
- [Feb. 2024] 🛩 E. Rashed will participate in Smart and Connected Communities Principle Investigators' Meeting (S&CC PI Meeting '24) @ Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA.
- [Feb. 2024] 📢 E. Rashed is a member of the AIP Network Co-Lab.
- [Feb. 2024] 📢 E. Rashed will give a talk at the Neuromodec Webinar [Machine learning in non-invasive electromagnetic brain stimulation]
- [Jan. 2024] 📝 A paper [open access] is published in Physics in Medicine and Biology (IF22=3.5)
- [Jan. 2024] 📢 E. Rashed will give a talk at the KINDI Center for Computing Research and CSE Department (Qatar University), Qatar (31 Jan. 2024)
- [Jan. 2024] 📢 Co-authored paper is ranked top-cited paper (2020-2023) in the IEEE TEMC journal (Clarivate Journal Citation Reports & Elsevier Scopus)
- [Jan. 2024] 🛩 E. Rashed will visit Qatar University for collaborative research.
- [Jan. 2024] 📅 Year 2023 (令和5年) in review can be found here
Old news (2023)
- [Dec. 2023] 📢 ラシド教授は口頭発表で【JST・ICT基盤強化】第5回領域会議に参加しました。
- [Oct. 2023] 📢 Mr. M. Nouman joined our laboratory as a Research Student.
- [Sept. 2023] 💰 A research grant from JST PRESTO is awarded (E. Rashed is Principal Investigator). JSTさきがけ研究が新規研究課題として採択されました。 (JSTさきがけ研究者: E. Rashed)。
- [Sept. 2023] 📝 A pre-print [open access] is published in arXiv.
- [Sept. 2023] 📢 E. Rashed is Invited Speaker for Research Seminar at Australian Catholic University (ACU), Australia (Scheduled Oct. 10, 2023).
- [Aug. 2023] 📢 New rules for tuition fees at our university (towards free education for prefecture residents) 兵庫県立大学の授業料無償化 (link)
- [July 2023] 🏆 M. Nouman (prospective doctoral student) have awarded the Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT) with university recommendation to study in our laboratory. ノマンさん(潜在博士課程学生)が2023年度大学推薦による国費外国人留学生採用が決定しました。
- [July 2023] 📢 E. Rashed is Invited Speaker for the Neuromodec Webinar Series entitled "Machine learning in non-invasive electromagnetic brain stimulation" (Scheduled: 2024)
- [June 2023] 🏆 Our paper published in 2021 in One Health (IF22=5.0) is listed in the journal's "top cited articles published in the past 3 years". 2021年にOne Healthの論文は、同ジャーナルの「過去 3 年間に掲載された最も引用された論文」にリストされています。
- [May 2023] 💰 An international collaboration research grant from QJRC is awarded (E. Rashed is Lead Principal Investigator). 国際共同研究資金を受領しました(リーダ代表者:E. Rashed)
- [May 2023] 📢 Our Graduate School is ranked top (#1) allover Japan for the number of "Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research" adoptions by department in the fundamental informatics-related fields. 情報科学研究科が、「科学研究費助成事業」の情報学基礎論関連分野の部局別採択件数で全国一位を達成
- [Apr. 2023] 📝 A paper [open access] is published in Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (IF22=1.0)
- [Apr. 2023] 📝 A paper [open access] is published in IEEE Access (IF22=3.9)
- [Apr. 2023] 📢 E. Rashed is Technical Program Committee Member of NILES2023, Giza, Egypt (21-23 Oct. 2023)
- [Mar. 2023] 📝 A paper [open access] is published in Vaccines (IF22=7.8) Special Issue "Effectiveness, Safety and Immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines"
- [Mar. 2023] 📝 A paper will be presented at the 62nd Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering 『第62回日本生体医工学会大会』, Nagoya, Japan.
- [Feb. 2023] 📢 E. Rashed is Guest Editor of Special Issue of Vaccines (IF22=7.8) [Models Analysis for SARS-CoV-2 Virus Transmission and Vaccination Rollout, Guest Editors: E. Rashed and S. Kodera]
- [Jan. 2023] 📢 E. Rashed is Technical Program Committee Member of MIST 2023, Macao, China (17-20 Nov. 2023)
- [Jan. 2023] 📅 Year 2022 (令和4年) in review can be found here
OLD NEWS (2022)
- [Nov. 2022] 📢 A python version of our software CondNet is developed by R. S. Wabina and is available from here
- [Nov. 2022] 📢 E. Rashed is Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Cancer and Biomedical Research (ISSN Print: 2682-261X)
- [Nov. 2022] 📢 E. Rashed is Session Chair (Session 2: Medical Imaging Technology and Application) of MIST2022 Conference
- [Nov. 2022] 📘 A book entitled "COVID-19 and Environment: Impacts of a Global Pandemic" is published by MDPI (Eds. Kodera and Rashed) [pre-print of IJERPH Special Issue]
- [Oct. 2022] 📝 A paper [open access] is published in Journal of Urban Health (IF2021=5.801)
- [Oct. 2022] 📝 A paper [open access] is published in Vaccines (IF2021=4.961) [Special issue: Real Life Experience of the COVID-19 Vaccine: What Do You Need to Know?]
- [Oct. 2022] 📢 E. Rashed is invited speaker at the Egypt-Japan Multidisciplinary Science Forum, 18 Feb. 2023, Cairo, Egypt
- [Oct. 2022] 📝 A paper [open access] is published in PLOS One (F2021=3.752)
- [Oct. 2022] 📝 A paper [pdf] is published in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility (IF2021=2.036)
- [Oct. 2022] 🎓 A new master student will join the lab from Apr. 2023 (当研究室に博士前期課程1名を募集します。)
- [Sept. 2022] 📝 A preprint is published in medRxiv
- [Sept. 2022] 📢 E. Rashed is Session Convener of session titled "Advances in computational modeling for Bioelectromagnetics", URSI GASS 2023 (19-26 Aug. 2023, Sapporo, Japan) (K. Sasaki, T. Nagaoka, E. A. Rashed and E. Porter)
- [Sept. 2022] 📢 E. Rashed is invited speaker at the 2nd International Conference on Medical Imaging Science and Technology.
- [Aug. 2022] 🏆 E. Rashed received the certificate of "Silver Distinguished Reviewer" from IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging (Q1, IF2021=11.037)
- [Aug. 2022] 📝 A paper will be presented at the International Conference on Medical Imaging Science and Technology (MIST 2022)
- [Aug. 2022] 📝 A paper [pdf] is published in Computers in Biology and Medicine (F2021=6.698) [Special issue: Smart Systems and Data-Driven Services in Healthcare] (Free access from here till 16 Oct. 2022)
- [June 2022] 📜 A poster will be presented at the Knowledge Exchange Symposium, University of Hyogo, Japan, Sept. 2022 「兵庫県立大学 知の交流シンポジウム」
- [June 2022] 📝 A paper [topical review, open access] is published in Physics in Medicine and Biology (F2021=4.174)
- [June 2022] 📢 E. Rashed is Technical Program Committee Member of the International Conference on Medical Imaging Science and Technology (MIST 2022), Shenzhen, China (Nov. 2022)
- [May 2022] 📖『深層学習(AI)に基づく新型コロナウイルス感染症流行の予測』平田、小寺、ラシドの『臨床と微生物 49巻3号』舘田 一博 (編集)が掲載されました (近代出版、ISBN: 978-4874022818、available from amazon)
- [Apr. 2022] 📝 A paper [open access] is published in PLOS ONE (F2021=3.752)
- [Apr. 2022] 📝 A paper [pdf] is published in Computers in Biology and Medicine (F2021=6.698)
- [Apr. 2022] ✍ Graduate school admission information (Year 2023) is now available from here (in Japanese)
- [Apr. 2022] 📝 Two papers are accepted for BioEM2022 (Nagoya, Japan) as poster presentations
- [Apr. 2022] 📢 E. Rashed is a Scientific Committee Member of MICCAI 2022 MLMIR Workshop
- [Apr. 2022] 📢 Laboratory is established and open call for new students.
- [Mar. 2022] 🏆 Co-authored paper is ranked as highly cited paper (top 1% of the academic field of Clinical Medicine) by Clarivate Web of Science.
- [Mar. 2022] 📢 Associate Editor, Frontiers in Surgery
- [Mar. 2022] 📝 A paper (open access) is published in Vaccines (IF2021=4.961)
- [Feb. 2022] 💰 Application for JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) is accepted (Principal Investigator)
- [Feb. 2022] 📝 A paper (open access) is published in IEEE Access (IF2021=3.476)
- [Feb. 2022] 📝 Two abstracts were submitted to BioEM2022 (Nagoya, JP)
- [Feb. 2022] 📢 Technical Program Committee Member, Int. Conf. on Biomed. Eng. and Biotech. (ICBEB 2022), Shenzhen, China, Nov. 2022
- [Feb. 2022] ⏩ I will move to Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo「兵庫県立大学大学院情報科学研究科」from April 2022.
- [Jan. 2022] 📝 A preprint is added to arXiv
- [Jan. 2022] 📢 Co-Chair, WG6, IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES) SC6.
- [Jan. 2022] 📅 A summary of achievements in 2021 can be found here
OLD NEWS (2021)
- [Dec. 2021] 🏆 My paper is highlighted as "Editor's Choice Articles" from IJERPH, MDPI
- [Dec. 2021] 📝 A paper (open access) is published in Plos One (IF2021=3.752)
- [Dec. 2021] 📰 Asahi TV「テレビ朝日」highlighted our AI-based prediction of COVID-19 cases in next year considering potential spread of Omicron variant in Tokyo [▶ broadcast video is here (02:25 ~ 03:45)]
- [Dec. 2021] 📝 A paper is accepted for the 19th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV2022)
- [Nov. 2021] 📰 Results obtained from our AI model (open access paper) for COVID-19 data in Japan is highlighted by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW). [link: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/10900000/000853146.pdf] (in Japanese)
- [Nov. 2021] 📢 Program Committee Member of AMLTA2022
- [Nov. 2021] 🏆 Received the 2021 Faculty Award of Excellence「優秀賞」, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan "For the achievements in prediction of new coronavirus transmission considering human flow and seasonality" 「人流および季節性を考慮した新型コロナウイルス伝搬予測技術の業績」(Recipients: Hirata, Rashed, Kodera)
- [Nov. 2021] 📝 A paper will be presented at 2022 IEICE workshop on Electronics Simulation Technology (EST), Okinawa, Japan (Jan. 2022)
- [Nov. 2021] 📝 A preprint is added to arXiv
- [Nov. 2021] 🏆 My paper receive the 2021 Applied Research Award from Suez Canal University.
- [Nov. 2021] ⏫ Promoted to Professor (specially appointed) 「特任教授」at Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
- [Oct. 2021] 📢 Online lecture entitled "The role of deep learning in understanding COVID-19 pandemic" will be presented within Suez Canal University public lectures [▶ video record is here: https://youtu.be/7irO4WyIV9w] (in Arabic)
- [Aug. 2021] 📢 Contributor of COVID-19 AI and Simulation Project coordinated by Japanese Cabinet Secretariat 「日本内閣官房」
- [Aug. 2021] 📝 A review paper [PDF] is published in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility (IF2021=2.036)
- [Aug. 2021] 📝 A paper (open access) is published in IEEE Access (IF2021=3.476)
- [Aug. 2021] ⏫ Promoted to Professor of Computer Science at Suez Canal University, Egypt
- [July 2021] 📝 A paper is published in Sustainable Cities and Society (IF2021=10.696)
- [July 2021] 📝 A paper (open access) is published in IJERPH (IF2021=4.614)
- [July 2021] 📝 A paper is accepted for IEEE NSS/MIC conference (Yokohama, Japan)
- [July 2021] 📰 Our recent deep learning model to forecast the new COVID-19 positive cases in Japan is highlighted by the Chunichi Newspaper [8 July 2021] (in Japanese). More details can be found in university website from here.
- [July 2021] 📝 A paper is accepted for BioEM2021 conference (Ghent, Belgium)
- [July 2021] 📢 Guest Editor, Special issue on "COVID-19 and Environment: Impact of a Global Pandemic" for "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health" (IF2021=4.614)
- [June 2021] 📝A paper (open access) is published in Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing (IF2021=3.401)
- [June 2021] 📝A paper (open access) is published in Sensors (IF2021=3.847) [SI: Sensors for Biological Signal Analysis]
- [June 2021] 📝A paper (open access) is published in Frontiers in Neuroscience (IF2021=5.152) [Section: Neural Technology]
- [June 2021] 📢International Program Committee Member, Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics (AISI2021), Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 2021
- [May 2021] 📝 A paper (open access) is published in IJERPH (IF2021=4.614) [SI: Deep Learning: AI Steps Up in Battle against COVID-19]
- [May 2021] 📝 A paper is published in IJOSSP (CiteScore2021=1.3)
- [May 2021] 📢 Scientific Program Committee, MLMIR2021 workshop, MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France Oct. 2021
Open call for new lab members 入学生募集中
We currently have open call for Master & Ph.D. students. Laboratory members with need of financial support can be employed (part-time job) as "Research Assistant" with support available from externally funded research projects. Please contact laboratory director for more details.
現在、修士課程及び博士課程の学生を公募しています。研究室メンバーは、外部研究費による研究プロジェクトの支援を受けて「研究補助者」として雇用(アルバイト)することができます。詳細はラシド教授までお問い合わせ下さい。 |
兵庫県立大学・SDGs University of Hyogo ・ SDGs declaration In this lab, we continuously support education/research activities related to SDGs #3 & #4 |
University of Hyogo, Kobe Campus for Information Science,
Address: 650-0047 Minatojima-minamimachi 7-1-28, Chuo-ku, Kobe city, Hyogo, Japan Computational Science Center Building, 6th floor, Room No. 601 |
兵庫県立大学 神戸情報科学キャンパス
住所:〒650-0047 兵庫県神戸市中央区港島南町7-1-28 計算科学センタービル6階601号室 TEL: +81-78-303-1924 FAX: +81-78-303-2700 |
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